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The Tavern Clock

The Tavern Clock was sent away for restoration and has now been returned. Why not visit the church to see this unique clock in full...

The Nave

For most of the life of this large, light and spacious church there were no seats of any sort within the main body—within the nave and...

The South Aisle

The main entrance to the church is by the south door, through a porch, which originally had a room, above which was used for meetings and...

The North Aisle

In the north aisle there is a reclining effigy. Very little is known about this person who appears to be a woman dressed in late medieval...

The St Edward Chapel

The St Edward Chapel is small and crammed with wall monuments to a local family, the Probyns, and is often referred to as the 'Probyn...

Inside The Church: Blog2
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